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The AwakeningMarilyn Riggien

Be vigilant. Be awake! For the times of the Gentiles are drawing to a close, and I am coming soon. Be ready, for I am coming quickly!


Allow ME to awaken your spirit and soul. Like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon, take flight into a new dimension!

Let ME steer you in the direction you should go.

And, everywhere you go spread love and life in righteousness, obedience and joy! 

The Awakening

Arise .. run with me to a higher place. A place where you are separated from the rest of the crowd. Confess your lack and repent of your negligence and I will give you a fresh anointing and a new commission. Incline your heart to Me and let your ears be attuned to My voice for I have an urgent message to give, but you will not hear it if you spend your time listening to the crafty messages from so many. They speak in My name yet I have not spoken to them.


Look not to man to tell you more about Me. Look to Me directly, for I will reveal Myself to you in a personal way and in ways, no one else is able to tell you.


Do not be deceived. Christianity has been given a robe of comfort and ease due to people’s own lack of understanding, courage and diligence to perform My simple instructions; yet it is a hard task for those who are not seeking Me in the simplicity of My Word. They look for intelligent hidden words among the written lines of clear instruction. Why do you think I said to become like a child? You will not find Me in your intellect but in your heart where I dwell and give you revelations of My Truth. I do not reveal Myself to you in your mind but in your spirit. And, as much as your spirit is awakened to Me, as much the revelations will flow through your whole being.


Understanding becomes a state of the heart rather than an achievement of the mind. I am truly found by them who seek Me in utter simplicity and honesty.


My beloved, do not seek to fulfil your own plans and desires but ask Me to put My desires in your heart, and My desires will become your desires and united we will walk this journey as I set in motion My divine will and purpose for your life! Follow My voice. Come back into My perfect will. You are weary and you should be strong; you are hindered and consumed by undue concerns when you should be abounding in joy!


My beloved people may be recognised by their humility and sufferings; not by their social acceptability and their self-advertised success. Not many are eager to follow the kind of spiritual leadership I had in Paul. He suffered greatly for My name’s sake yet he counted it all joy. His strength was established in Me as he knew Me. He shared My Word daily and I added to the faith many who heard My Word and embraced My Word..I AM the Word..I Am the Life..without Me you can do nothing. Only My Word can bring life and change lives. Let My Word dwell richly in you, and as it is written, out of your innermost being shall gush forth rivers of living water.


You are lacking peace because your eyes are fixed on fleshly needs and desires. My peace will fill your being as you fix your mind and heart on spiritual desires. Those who are in the flesh cannot please Me.


I tell you to worship Me in spirit and truth, yet you don’t understand what that means. There is a difference between soul and spirit and if you do not know how to separate the two you will not be able to worship Me from your spirit. You look to your neighbour and do as he does. You see many church gatherings and how they worship Me and you assume that is what I require. Ask Me personally and I will show you. Ask of Me and I will show you the deeper things of My heart’s desires. I desire you to worship from your spirit because I dwell in your spirit. What you offer Me from your soul is contaminated with worldly ways and desires but what you offer Me from your spirit is true and acceptable, and the beauty of the living God is there. Whatever you choose to bring to Me in worship; whether it is music or time, money or service, I accept such a gift birthed from your spirit and not your soul. Gifts from your soul are gift-wrapped in your own desirable and pleasurable tainted foundations, but the gifts birthed from your spirit are what I have placed there and these are the holy gifts that are acceptable. As you grow in Me and get closer to me your soul starts to desire the same things as the spirit. This is a beautiful thing – becoming united within!


Purge out therefore the old leaven and make clean the vessels. Cleanse the sanctuary and bring your sacrifices with a pure heart and clean hands. My Bride shall be holy and clean and she shall be an overcoming and victorious Bride! I do not want a bride who has longing eyes for the desirable things from Egypt. My Bride shall not be absorbed in the luxuries and personal comforts of the present life. She shall be a soldier, and a soldier gives first place to his obligations and secondly to his own private life. As it is written: “Even Christ pleased not Himself.”


In the day that you make Me Lord in your life and give to Me the sceptre and allow Me to reign within, then I will begin to move, and My power will radiate forth from your entire being. Then will I bring to pass miracles – when you walk in uprightness, obedience and faith. It is those who choose to be set apart to holy living with Me who will inherit My promises by patience and faith.


Saturate your soul in the oil of the Holy Spirit. Hear My voice and give no heed to the voice of the stranger. You need not look to man for direction. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord – not by the preacher, not by some Christian worker, but by the Lord.


Hold to My promises. They are given to you as a chart is given to a ship. Check your course. Chart it by My Word, and hold to it with rigid determination and be not led aside by the other little ships. Be steadfast!


Behold, My hand is upon you to bless you and to accomplish all My good purposes. For this hour I have prepared your heart and in My kindness, I will not let you fail as you obey My voice.

I have chosen you unto Myself so that you will be an instrument of praise in My hand. I shall bring forth from your heart a melody of praise and I shall cause the harp strings of your heart to vibrate forth a song worthy of worship. Bless Me with your lips and whisper  My name in adoration. Learn to worship from your spirit and you shall have rest for your soul.


Allow My Spirit to teach you. He shall open to you the true mysteries of the Word; for it was by the Spirit of God that the scriptures were given and it will be by the Spirit of God that the treasures of the Word will be revealed to you.


Embrace My Spirit and the guidance and wisdom freely available to you, and allow yourself to be influenced by My Spirit and not the world around you. Have peace in the fact that you will then be of a different mind and attitude than those around you, and be willing to step out confidently and not be intimidated by those who are not willing to change their hearts. For many will not accept a message of warning because they have set their own personal ambitions above the desires of God’s heart and they are so intend upon their own pursuits that they refuse to tolerate the thought of possible interference of any kind.


I tell you, there shall be a revelation of My nearness given to My dear ones before My second coming. Anticipate Me. Keep your eyes on Me and keep your lamps filled with oil. Be diligent and stay awake. Rise up then, and lay claim to the power that is yours, because I am in you and you are in Me. Learn to reign for I have made you to become kings and priests. Your authority is Mine and I give it to you as you submit to Me. My power in you is found in the simplicity of the Word and applying it to your life.


Arise and put on strength! I have called you by your name and I have fashioned you to bring glory to My name. My name is above every name and I shall cause Light to break through the darkness and where you walked in defeat there I will cause victory to break forth. I will turn the bitter tears to sweet perfume. Your tears are sanctified as you offer them to Me and when you offer them believe that you will receive.


Labour not to be knowledgeable but rather to be yielded, and in your attitude of submission to My Spirit, I will instruct you in My Truth. There shall be death and there shall be resurrection. Leave behind the grave clothes of religious intellectualism and discover a more glorious way.


Be vigilant. Be awake! For the times of the Gentiles are drawing to a close, and I am coming soon. Be ready, for I am coming quickly!


Allow me to awaken your spirit and soul. Like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon, take flight into a new dimension!

Let Me steer you in the direction you should go.

And, everywhere you go spread love and life in righteousness, obedience and joy!


Some writings taken and adapted from "Come Away my Beloved" Frances J Roberts

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