There is a secret key
"Listen, one and all! Both rich and poor together, all over the world - everyone listen to what I have to say!
For wisdom will come from my mouth; words of insight and understanding will be heard from the musings of my heart.
I will break open mysteries with my music, and my song will release riddles solved."
~ Psalm 49:3-4
David's Identity: One that God loved | One who loved God
Prophetic insights rests upon the Psalms. David's harp brings revelation, understanding and healing to the people. Singers who tap into the insights of the Psalms will bring forth truths in their songs, which will break open the hearts of people and release divine understanding to the church. The prophets must become musicians and the musicians must become prophets for the Key of David to be given to the church. (The Passion Translation)
I believe there is music that God wants his people to release and sing and play on stringed instruments. I believe we have missed the mark with God's music, and what he gave David he wants to re-instate in the churches these days. I believe he is looking for musicians who are willing to give it all up and give it all back to him so to receive the key of David. This means no glory goes to you; no credit goes to you and you are to get off the platform and out of sight from everyone and wait on God to release his music through you for his purposes and according to his way!
"My darling bride, my private paradise, fastened to my heart. A secret spring are you that no one else can have - my bubbling fountain hidden from public view."
~ Song of Songs 4:12 TPT
There is a different spirit at work in the world during these last days - there is an unquenching yearning TO BE SEEN AND TO BE IN THE LIMELIGHT. The need to be recognized and to be noticed and to be in the public eye has become an epidemic and the church did not escape this illness. I guess it means we have become 'lovers of self'..fighting for that spot in the front and enjoying the attention that comes with it.
"For men will be lovers of themselves,.."
~2 Tim 3:2
There is no other foundation than Jesus Christ and this is the foundation we need to use when we release new songs. We should not be using worldly foundations and add something new with a few godly words to it and call it worship songs. We still think it is worthy to bring it before God because we value the soul far above the spirit and we have not yet learnt to separate the spirit and soul and to bring Him what He desires from the spirit. For us to release God's music we need to ask Him to give it to us - Spirit to spirit - with the right foundation, key, frequencies, chords etc. These will have substance and it will heal and restore and subdue demonic spirits just like the music God gave to David.
We should not get our inspiration from music down here from the worldly songs around us but we should set our hearts on Him and wait on Him to release to us new songs from His throne room from above.
"Awake, O my soul, with the music of his splendor song!"
~ Psalm 57:8
The Psalms unlock mysteries and parables, for in the purest praise is the cryptic language of a wise messenger. The wisdom of God is contained in these 150 keys; you have a key chain with master keys to unlock God's storehouse of wisdom and revelation. It is the 'harp' (anointed worship) that releases divine secrets. (The Passion Translation)
"I will break open mysteries with my music, and my song will release riddles solved."
~ Psalm 49:4
It is time to sing the Psalms!
.. more to follow ..