A Song for my Beloved
Breathe upon me with your Spirit wind. Stir up the sweet spice of your life within me. Spare nothing as you make me your fruitful garden. Hold nothing back until I release your fragrance.
Jeremiah 17:8
He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream,
and does not fear when heat comes,
for its leaves remain green,
and is not anxious in the year of drought,
for it does not cease to bear fruit.
Psalm 1:3 He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.
In a garden full of vibrant hues and fragrant blooms, a tree stands tall and proud. Someone tends to the garden with care, ensuring the soil is rich and moist, the water is plentiful, and the weeds are gone. The tree rewards this kindness with bountiful blossoms and fruits, filling the air with a sweet aroma. Birds find a home among its branches, singing along with the melody of the wind in the leaves. Sheep seek its shade and rest peacefully, listening to the harmony of nature.
The garden is a sanctuary from the world's corruption and intrusion. A pure fountain springs up in its midst, nourishing the soil with living water. The fountain is a source of life and joy for the garden. Nothing can pollute it.
This garden represents a faithful and blessed bride who loves her Bridegroom above all. She keeps the garden sacred and pure for him alone. They share intimacy and fellowship here. She drinks from the fountain of life and delights in his presence more than anything else. She does not seek the approval of others outside the garden.
Her gift to her Bridegroom is her love and obedience. That is all he wants from her. He does not care for her works and rituals. He only cares for her heart that burns with passion for him and him alone. Nothing can extinguish the flame of love in her heart.
A garden of grace, untouched by the world
A fountain of life, its waters unfurled
The fountain of joy, the garden's delight
Nothing can stain its purity and light
A bride of beauty, loyal to her love
A garden of peace, reserved for him above
They meet and commune, they drink and they feast
She cares not for others, he's all that she seeks
Her gift to her love, her heart and her will
That's all that he asks, that's all that he fills
He spurns her works and rites, he wants her love alone
Nothing can quench the fire that he has sown
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Song of Songs 2:16 & 2:1 TPT ~ Bride
My beloved one,... Our resting place is anointed and flourishing,
like a green forest meadow bathed in light.
I am truly his rose, the very theme of his song.
I am overshadowed by his love, growing in the valley!
Jesus invites you to join him in the garden - he wants you to awaken in spirit. He wants us to be pure and holy, set apart from this world!
Song of Songs is more than a love story between a man and a woman. It has a deeper spiritual meaning that we need to discern. There are two levels here and if you let the Holy Spirit, he will lead you through these scriptures with a spiritual understanding. God has always compared his relationship with his chosen people to a marriage. In the New Testament, the relationship between Christ and his followers, whether Jew or Gentile, is like a bride and Bridegroom. It shows and symbolizes a special and intimate relationship with God that will produce life, and life abundantly.
We need to love him with all of our hearts. He desires this close time with you to feed you with the bread of life and the living water. He is calling you to leave this world and its lusts, to come separate to him, and to have a passion for him and his plan for your life. We need to detach ourselves from what the world offers and let God plant us, and then we need to take care of our own gardens, by staying in him and looking at him alone.
Song of Songs 2 TPT ~ Bridegroom
I hear the cooing of doves in our land,
filling the air with songs to awaken you and guide you forth.
Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you?
There is a change in the air.
Arise, my love, my beautiful companion,
and run with me to a higher place.
For now is the time to arise and come away with me.
Song of Songs 4 TPT ~ Bridegroom
My darling bride, my private paradise, fastened to my heart.
A secret spring are you that no one else can have - my bubbling fountain
hidden from public view.
Sadly, in these last days, people crave public attention more than anything - everyone wants to be seen, famous, and followed. But these scriptures show that we should want a relationship with God more than anything, and wanting to be in the spotlight all the time makes you a 'lover of self'. In 2 Timothy 3, we read "for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money.." This does not match the same garden described here and it does not fit with a song for our Bridegroom.
The gardens we try to grow in the world take a lot of effort, not only to design but also to maintain! The pressure and competition are harsh and merciless. Excellence is replaced by 'perfection' and guess what - no one can reach perfection! A tree that grows in the soil of self, money, entertainment, lust, sex, and perversion has no real roots and will fall over at the first storm, but the tree that grows in the soil of Love and Light will flourish and blossom forever! As long as your roots are in Christ, it will be eternal - alive eternal, not dead eternal.
The garden that is described here, with a sound and fragrance being released, is totally different from what the world offers. But we need to tend to the garden constantly - maintenance is key - abiding in Jesus.
God put Adam in charge of the garden of Eden. Adam had to take care of it. The garden was Adam's responsibility, not God's. We need to keep the garden and grow in the Lord so that we can live as mature trees of righteousness for God's glory. Your garden (relationship with God), is your responsibility!
Song of Songs 2 TPT ~ The Bridegroom
Let me see your radiant face
and hear your sweet voice.
How beautiful your eyes of worship
and lovely your voice in prayer.
Song of Songs 4 TPT ~ The Bride
Breathe upon me with your Spirit wind...
Come walk with me as you walked with Adam in your paradise garden!
Truly, there is an urgent call to awaken in spirit and heart! God is patient and merciful but time is indeed running out and you need to make a choice to have a desire for God, and his will and plans for your life. Be mindful of your heart's garden. Take a walk through it and ask God to show you what it looks like. Work the soil, pull up the weeds, and water the seeds. Read the Word of God!
There still is a small window of grace and time for us to get this right. Don't delay any longer. He wants you to prepare your heart so that he can spend eternity with you. All the time we spend on worldly things will have no weight or value after our time is finished here on earth.
May your heart awaken with a unique and beautiful song for your Beloved - our soon coming King!!
"Then may your awakening breath blow upon my life until I am fully yours.
Breathe upon me with your Spirit wind. Stir up the sweet spice of your life within me.
Spare nothing as you make me your fruitful garden.
Hold nothing back until I release your fragrance."
~ Song of Songs 4:16 TPT